Welcome to the Participatory Narrative Inquiry Institute
Advancing the state of the art in PNI
We founded the Participatory Narrative Inquiry Institute so you — and we — can link to other practitioners in the field of participatory narrative and in connected fields. Our ultimate aim is to advance the state of the art in PNI.
This site offers a calendar of our monthly PNI Institute Calls, a blog with short summaries of our calls, some information about the Institute, and a members page.
Want to join? Registration is free. Want to know more? Get in touch.
Blogs, news and other posts ….
Researching means to therapeutic ends*
In this article I explore how we may set up our PNI projects in a way that deepens the benefit that participants gain from the process of contributing stories. What if the research we conducted moved beyond an extractive paradigm towards a participatory approach? What...

Ron’s voyage of discovery into PNI
Oysters open completely when the moon is full; and when the crab sees one it throws a piece of stone or seaweed into it and the oyster cannot close again so that it serves the crab for meat. Such is the fate of him who opens his mouth too much and thereby puts himself...
In love with SPSS
As a psychology student I was one of a kind. My favourite school subject was Methods and Design of Research, and even more rarely, the school subject SPSS (a program to do all kind of statistical calculations). We started to work with SPSS in DOS and it cost a lot of...
Circling around what we do (my past and future with PNI)
To start off our pni2.org blog in style, we thought we would recount our histories with participatory narrative inquiry (PNI) and our hopes for the future. Into the past How can I describe my journey with PNI? I can't, because it hasn't been a journey. I've never been...
A provenance into Participatory Narrative
A famous Indian saying states that it is impossible to step into the same river twice. The idea behind the saying is that the river changes all the time. In the same vein it's hard for me to say when my journey into PNI began because there are so many things that...
Aiden’s journey into PNI
What's in a word? A world! - Michael White Hi there My name is Aiden and I'm based in a town to the east of Johannesburg called Benoni. I currently run The Narrative Lab, a small organisational development and applied research consultancy that uses narrative...
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