Please answer some questions about the future of PNI and the PNI Institute
Announcing a new series of calls about the future of PNI and the PNI Institute. Please fill out our survey questions so we can learn what you want to happen in the future.

Join us on a PNI Institute call
We are working our way through the topics on our series of teleconference calls about applications of PNI.

PNI Institute call on: needs (continued)
During the last PNI Institute call I said I would do the write-up. This week I was officially put in the Institute’s doghouse for failing to live up to that promise. The write-up is maybe finished halfway while the next call is only two days away. I’m...
Next PNI Institute call: Needs
What do the people involved in story projects need? What do you need as a facilitator? Did you get permission from anyone to do the project? Did you get funding? What do those people need? What do the project’s participants need? What are the needs of people who...