Please answer some questions about the future of PNI and the PNI Institute
Announcing a new series of calls about the future of PNI and the PNI Institute. Please fill out our survey questions so we can learn what you want to happen in the future.

New teleconference series starts next Wednesday
Our new teleconference series on PNI Applications will begin on Wednesday, September 11th, 2019.

We are on a break
Due to our having finished our series of topics in our monthly calls, and due to everybody being busy doing stuff, we have decided to pause our monthly calls until September, when we will return with a new and exciting line-up of discussion topics. See our previous...
What should we talk about next?
We have been approaching the end of our series of Zoom calls about things you can do with PNI, and we have been talking about what our next series should be. The first thing we (this is the people on the last few calls) decided was that we like the series approach. It...